MARCH 2023
Out of the abundance
of the heart….

From Sonshine’s Heart,
I have been incredibly discouraged for a few months. There is a bible verse, Mathew 12:34, where Jesus says “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” This verse really convicted me deep down to my soul last spring. I have learned that in this home, an environment where new, non-believing sinners come to hear about a Savior, listening to why something is said is really important. Not ‘that it was said’, but “WHY, would someone say something mean, do something mean, be mean? What is the trauma from the past that causes such an automatic, negative reply?” I expect it from residents who come in brand \new, into an unknown environment, prone to act and talk very defensively. When it comes from staff, I become sick to my stomach, I get angry; really angry. Last year was by far the hardest year here, even with 3 staff to help. I have learned that training inexperienced people because they want to help, is a formula for creating much more work for me in training and correcting. Residents complained about how they were treated by staff, leaving me very little time to do my job. New believers hired as staff cannot address sin biblically, and are often defensive,
I have been quiet this past two months, observing and praying. So, in year seven, this is my plan:
#1. Please pray for mature followers of Christ for staff, who will encourage and build me up.
#2. Please pray for biblically sound volunteers for evenings.
#3. I will make more personal time for residents to talk, watch sermons, process thoughts, etc.
#4. Pray for time to rewrite our program to adapt to court requests for 6 month programs.
#5. I will remind myself that following biblical truth is what God requires of me as a leader.
Thank you again for giving, helping, praying, and sharing our mission. Please call for a tour at 219-405-7006 cell or email me at info@worthyrecovery.org,

D.E. “Sonshine” Troche, AAS, MRT® Advanced Certified, CAPRC II, CHW/CRS – WRI Executive Director
219-405-7006 cell Email: info@worthyrecovery.org
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at Casey’s Lanes, La Porte
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MISSION: Worthy Recovery, Inc. is a Christian ministry that offers housing and education to women suffering from criminal thinking and/or substance abuse.
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