Worthy Recovery, Inc. is a Christian ministry that offers housing and education to women suffering from criminal thinking and/or substance abuse.
OUR name came from 1 Peter 1:7
Your faith will be like gold that has been tested in a fire. And these trials will prove that your faith is worth much more than gold that can be destroyed. They will show that you will be given praise and honor and glory when Jesus Christ returns. (CEV)

- We are unable to house children.
- We can’t accept women with sexual offender convictions.
- WWRH Founder and Executive Director, D. E. ‘Sonshine’ Troche, is an ADVANCED CERTIFIED MORAL RECONATION THERAPY® FACILITATOR, CAPRC II, CHW/CRS. She is a follower of Jesus since Nov 9, 1997, helping substance abuse users & criminally minded people since 1997!

Addiction affects everyone of us, especially the suffering children of our Ladies, who are too young to understand why Mommy can’t come home, why Mommy is behind the glass, why Mommy stays so far away, etc. The children of these mothers rarely have a chance to enjoy a normal childhood, being shuffled from one living environment to another, often being sexually or physically abused themselves, being bullied and ridiculed because of their family situations. Discouraged, then isolating, falling into deep depression, they more often than not, are trapped into substance abuse addiction just like their mothers.
The money we as a country spend on social services, counseling, programming, rehabilitation centers, etc. won’t last forever; the need for these services will, unless we intervene and reduce this vicious cycle.

Please Consider Donating – We need your help to continue our work in LaPorte County.